Monday 22 July 2013

Buying Life Insurance!

10 reasons why we need life insurance. 
  1. To replace lost income for your family- The most obvious reason why we need life insurance is to provide money to replace our income if we die so that our families can maintain their standard of living. Even in two-income families, the loss of one income can be overwhelming without adequate life insurance.
  2. To cover burial and funeral expenses- Even if you don’t have family to provide for, you still need life insurance to pay for your burial and funeral so that you don’t financially burden adult children, siblings, or others with those costs.
  3. To pay medical expenses associated with your death- Unfortunately, many deaths are prolonged and a mountain of medical bills can accumulate.
  4. To pay off a mortgage or other debts- Medical bills aren’t the only debt you need to worry about. A life insurance death benefit can allow your surviving family to eliminate monthly house payments, car payments, credit card bills, or other debt obligations.
  5. To provide money for settling your estate- If there is an estate to be settled, death benefits are paid immediately upon death, so money will be available to pay costs related to the estate (e.g., taxes) while it’s being settled.
  6. To leave an inheritance- A life insurance policy is a great way to leave money behind for your family or for a charitable cause.  Unlike capital gains, death benefits are not usually taxable.
  7. To provide for future needs of children- A life insurance policy can supply money for children to go to college. Or, in the case of special needs children, it can provide for ongoing care and living expenses.
  8. To provide a source for emergency cash- Many insurance policies allow for cash accumulation, from which you can borrow. Although this borrowing will reduce your death benefit, you may want to have the option if a personal financial crisis arises.
  9. To maximize your pension- When you retire you will likely be given an option to receive a higher pension in exchange for allowing the pension to stop when you die. With a life insurance plan, you can eliminate the need for an after-death pension, freeing you to select the higher-pension option.
  10. To allow for business continuity- If you own or co-own a business, then life insurance that benefits the company is a way to protect the company’s future in case you die. The same issues that apply to families apply to businesses—if a vital income creator dies, there needs to be money to make up for the loss.
Bottom Line
As there are many reasons why we need life insurance, buying life insurance is a purchase no one should put off....

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Today's Star paper's :King: Invest more in education to help muslims.Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin said the problem must be rectified to ensure the Muslim community is not left behind.A very good advice indeed.It's not only the muslim,everyone must invest in education to ensure you/your children are not left behind in these modern times.Not too long ago,in the early 90's,eg- mechanics without much education can still make a good living as long as he is hard working.Nowadays,you need to have some computor knowledge before you can diagnose the modern car engine.
Question 1) Do you love your children?    
               2) Do you want them to have ahead start! (very competitive enviroment now)
If your answer is yes then read on if not don't waste your time
NOW sit back and think,what must you do in order for them to have ahead start,Do you have the ANSWER!!! DO YOU NEED ANY ADVICE???FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL ME YOUR QUESTION AT AND I SHALL TRY MY VERY BEST TO HELP YOU FIND THE ANSWER. THANK YOU

Sunday 25 September 2011


Welcome2,this is my first day writing about wealth planning.Even in our everyday life, we still need a plan before we can proceed and execute our chores.Do you agree?I shall take it as a YES!
DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE WHEN YOU GROW OLD? If the answer is a yes read on 'WHAT ARE YOUR RETIREMENT PLANS? According to the sunday star SAYS today, Some 75% have no retirement plans,are you 1 of them?.Ask yourself this question,is your EPF enough,how much saving you have,are this enough for you to lead a comfortable life in your golden years.Pls feel free to comment and ask me questions tq.